The purpose organization shall be a non-profit organization that enforces the North Hill Estates, Section 1-3 and Lynwood Estates Deed Restrictions, promotes civic pride, develops social welfare, establishes public unity in the community, and obtains needed improvements for the community. The organization will assist in all economic, civic, and social enterprises or activities that benefit the community.
Membership & Dues
Membership in the Club shall be open to all property owners of North Hill Estates and Lynwood Estates, provided such applicants pay all dues and assessments and have such rights as are provided in the Bylaws of this organization. A member who becomes a non-property owner of the area known as North Hill Estates or Lynwood Estates or fails to pay dues or assessments automatically ceases to be a member.
To learn more about dues, including payment options, visit the Dues page.
Annual Meeting & Board Elections
The annual meeting is held each April and is open to all residents. However, only members who have paid their annual dues for the previous and current fiscal years will be allowed to vote in the election of officers.
Monthly Board Meetings
NHE Civic Club Board meetings are regularly held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Waterboard Bldg on Lockridge. Public engagement begins at 7:00 p.m. Please visit News & Announcements for the most updated news and/or to verify the meeting date and location.
If you have a specific item you would like to bring before the Board, please send an email to NHECivicClub@gmail.com so you can be included on the Board’s agenda. Your email must be received on the Monday before the meeting date.
Important Information
It should be noted that all Deed Restrictions are enforced. The Architectural Committee must approve any improvements and new construction. To get approval, complete and submit the North Hill Estates Architectural Committee Home Improvement Request Form, which can be found on the Forms page.